Friday, 17 January 2014

Frack off Cameron you Runt!

With all the accumulated wisdom of a second-hand car salesman and the backstreet poetry of a snake oil salesman, Dai Cameron has accused opponents of fracking as “irrational,” labeling them “religiously opposed” to the new technique.

Well our prime plum would, wouldn’t he? Like Judas of old he’s held out his grasping clammy hand and had it crossed with the 30 pieces of silver. The ‘leader’ of the UK now lies safely tucked away in the grubby pockets of Mr Multinational and what’s more because he’s allowed the lure of money befuddle his senses and corrupt his conscious, he wants the rest of the UK to bend over and swallow too - like obedient little troopers.  

The Telegraph recently reported that Cameron snarled, “Many opponents of gas fracking are “irrational” and simply “can’t bear the thought of another carbon-based fuel.”
The multinational’s mouthpiece added that fracking is a “real opportunity” for Britain and that it could solve our gas needs for decades to come.
Dippy Dave warned that people refusing to back the process despite being presented with evidence that it is safe are not being “helpful”.
Appearing before the Commons Liaison Committee, Cool-hand Cameron also said that he is in favour of “cash payments to householders” disturbed by the drilling of wells near their homes.

Ministers have said that local communities will be allowed to keep tax generated by fracking and
Dai boy added that there would be "a serious amount of money" going into communities which accept shale gas wells, though it had not yet been decided how it should be split between county, district and parish councils.
However, he also said that the Government is also considering “whether, because of the disturbance in the early part of a well being dug, there should be cash payments to householders and I'm quite in favour of that... Actually saying to people 'there's going to be this small well drilling for shale gas and in order to make up for any inconvenience here is a cash payment'.”

In others words is a BRIBE! It sounds like the sort of thing the Mafia would do after accidentally shooting up someone’s shop in a gangland execution, “Sorry for any inconvenience. Here’s some cash for your troubles. Now don’t be a wise guy and keep your mouth shut. You aint seen nothing Gabeesh?” 

The fact that Cameron has resorted to bribery reveals how unpalatable the very idea of the hideously named ‘fracking’ is to our communities and just how much his paymasters must be cracking the whip. 

Diabolical David has gone on  record as saying some of the “myths” about the negative impact of fracking had not been borne out by experience in the US.”

Haven’t they? You’ve only got to google, “Water contamination in the USA caused by fracking” to see what a nonsense this is. 

Take a look at the above picture. It’s reminiscent of Blake’s “dark, satanic mills in this green and pleasant land” isn’t it? It’s actually a bird’s eye view of fracking in Texas. One thing for sure, it’s not pretty JR. Fracking ‘pads’ multiply faster than bunnies in spring.  And soon that could be the UK if Cameron and France get their way.

Why France? Because when fracking gets its teeth sunk into Britain the lion’s share of the profits will go into the coffers of huge French multinational -Total. Which is hugely ironic because France have actually banned fracking, but dastardly Dave sees no problem in allowing a French company who have been prevented from tearing up their own garden to come and rip ours to shreds. 

Follow the money trail and the truth is obvious. Fracking is just another fossil fuel and it’s hugely popular with the Westminister government, because so many of its members have close links to the fossil fuel industry. 

Fracking is just the sort of narrow-minded shorternism that appeals to old fossils everywhere. We live in an age where renewable energy farms, be they wind, solar, or tide our leading the way in an awfully slow but very real energy revolution.

Yet although there’s benefits for us all in such schemes, it just don’t promise the big bucks like pillaging and polluting our earth does. 

So it’s fracking all the way for David and the boys as they switch on the lights and burn baby burn!

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