Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Are Kate Middleton And Prince William Really Work Shy Materialists?

Kate Middleton and Prince William have come under heavy fire as of late for what their critics brand as an abject lack of work ethic and flagrant disregard for royal duties. At heart are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge work-shy materialists with a craven love for power without responsibility and wealth without hard graft?

Many would snarl “most definitely,” and if truth be told you can call Kate Middleton and Prince William a lot of things but “hard-working” isn’t really one of them.

Take a recent article in The Mirror by Carole Malone for example. Obviously not a fan of the future King of England, whom she brands as a “work-shy petulant prince,” Malone goes on to slam the man who made Kate Middleton famous, as a “big soft lad who’s still hiding behind the cloak of poor persecuted, hounded Wills which protected him for so long after his mum died.”

It’s strong stuff, but to be fair, Prince William did place himself directly in the firing line last week when he raised his head above the parapet and made a speech about how important it was for Britain to stay in the E.U.

Royals should know better than to meddle in politics and speak for the common man, but perhaps taking a leaf out of his dad’s book, Wills may have felt the need to descend from his ivory tower and lecture the British population on how they should vote, before they return to their daily grind and carry on the time honored and noble pursuit of keeping the rich man wealthy.

Needless to say, such royal sentiments went down like a lead balloon. Especially with Malone who snarled like a rottweiler who’s been brutally beaten by a regal regime, that Prince William is a selfish sort who has no right telling anyone anything.

Read more here! 

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