Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Can Hollywood Forgive Mel Gibson? 

Once universally adored as the Hollywood ‘Braveheart’ with the Midas touch, Mel Gibson’s fall from grace and favor has been a painfully pathetic one to watch, but does the Aussie actor who has been slammed as a homophobic, misogynistic, racist drunk, really deserve a second bite of the A-List cherry? 

Jewish journalist Allison Hope Weiner certainly believes the ‘Passion Of The Christ’ director has been ‘crucified’ long enough for his past transgressions and has urged Hollywood to end their quiet blacklisting of the tormented thespian. 

Considering the the 58-year-old ‘Lethal Weapon’s’ notoriety as a holocaust denier, and his infamous drunken anti-Semitic rant to a police officer, this is a very forgiving attitude for Winer to adopt. 

The journalist believes the actor who has spent years battling the twin demons of  alcoholism and depression and who has been sober for the last seven has, “Spent enough time in the penalty box.'"

Writing for Deadline, the news-hound who once stood in a long line of hacks endlessly queuing up to vilify Mel Gibson, now confesses she knows him personally and realizes he’s not the man we think he is. 

Apparently the ‘Mad Max’ star who once infamously spouted, “the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” was at his charming best when in a “room full of Jews” at her son’s bar mitzvah celebration.

So delighted was Weiner with her new found friend’s conduct she wrote, “Anyone who has attended such a gathering knows there is nothing more imposing than making friends in a room full of Jews who haven’t eaten in 24 hours.” 

Weiner also reveals that Gibson’s anti-Semitic remarks were triggered by what he explained was “personal criticism of him from the Jewish community over The Passion Of The Christ.” She also writes that Gibson confessed that he can be a mean drunk and, “Stuff comes out in a distorted manner…”

Quick to point out that Gibson is no altar boy and has an electricity and a wildness in his blue eyes that makes him such a great artist, Weiner explains, “The fact that he won’t jump to his own defense is part of his problem, but also part of why I have grown to respect him. I propose to Hollywood that it’s time to forgive Mel Gibson. He has been in the doghouse long enough.”

Hollywood, the ball is in your court. What do you think, are you ready to eat popcorn in the company of big Mel again?

Kate Perry: The Friendly Femminist

 Kate Perry has recently declared herself a feminist, but gentlemen please don’t be alarmed and worry that the lady who AskMen once referred to the “front-and-center all-American sex symbol in pop music" will be burning her push-up bra or hanging up her stiletto heels anytime soon. 

The saucy songbird has a new take on feminism and according to her, it’s all about “loving men”.

kate Perry may have been given a rougher than rough ride by bearded Brit buffoon Russell Brand, but the Californian babe who once “Kissed a Girl” and then became “One of the Boys” still has a lot of faith in the ‘unfair sex. 

In fact, the California girl’s definition of feminism is all about loving herself as a female and also making a particular point of loving men.  

The cracker who likes to sing about being a firework, told host Karl Stefanovic on Australian morning show “I Wake Up With Today” that she now considers herself a feminist, and when asked for her own personal definition of the term, Kate Perry replied, “I used to not really understand what that word meant, and now that I do, it just means that I love myself as a female and I also love men."

Which is pretty good news for any dude who fears the word feminism is just another word for, “Dude! I hate you because you’re a dude. It’s nothing personal but I’m a feminist and you’re a man, therefore you are the enemy. Gabeesh?”

Of course, as stated by God, sorry Wikipedia, feminism is, “A collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women.”

In essence feminism is great, but in the wrong hands it can get uglier than a rat’s ass and there are those mean-spirited souls who would use the much feared ‘F-word’ as a means to justify their own superiority complexes, wear terrible clothes, smell slightly unpleasant and deny all women their god-given right to be, well, simply women. 

Moody existentialists such as Simone de Beauvoir may have enjoyed dressing in dowdy old black outfits, as they chain-smoked suspicious cigarettes and argued that the ‘eternal feminine’ was a man-made construct made to subjugate women, but, ask any marketing men worth his salt and he’ll tell you, the likes of Kate Perry have the ‘eternal feminine’ by the bucket load and that’s something that most people dig. 

In fact when the big bearded macho guy in the sky put down his baseball bat and bottle of beer to make Kate Perry, he was probably thinking something along the lines of, “Imagine what Eve could have been like without her wanton ways and that appalling attitude of hers which got her into so much trouble.” 

Still, haters gonna hate, critics gonna criticize and ugly people gonna get uglier, it’s what they do best, but when some bull-faced green-eyed hippo with elephant legs and a hog’s snout starts criticizing Kate Perry in the press for having no real understanding of feminism, just remember what Kate said in 2012 after being named Billboard’s Woman of the Year, “I am not a feminist, but I do believe in the power of women.”

Now let us hear you roar lioness! 

Friday, 14 March 2014

Nicolas Cage - “It Sucks to be Me! I Wanted to be James Dean”

Don't Cage me in!

Spare a thought for the thinking person’s thespian Nicolas Cage. He may have millions in the bank, live in a palace and proudly boast of playing the lead role in a terrifying number of cinematic abominations, but the puppy-eyed sad Zack with a face that looks like it was carved somewhat crudely out of dough has recently lamented that, “It really sucks to be famous right now.” 

The Hollywood maverick also announced tearfully during a talk at the South By South West (SXSW) festival in Austin, Texas., "I started acting because I wanted to be James Dean. . I saw him in Rebel Without a Cause, East of Eden. Nothing affected me - no rock song, no classical music - the way Dean affected me in Eden. It blew my mind. I was like, 'That's what I want to do'.” 

In other words, like most unhinged malcontents who struggle desperately with the concept of reality, Cage wanted to pretend to be other people from an early age and dress it up as high art. 

The Face/Off actor went on to add somewhat cryptically and for no particular reason, “This was before everyone had a thing called a Smartphone, and before the advent of the ‘celebtard - just being famous for famous' sake.” 

Oh dear, looks like the aging artist is having what could be a very entertaining mid-life meltdown. Words to the wise young Nicholas. It also sucks to be poor, hungry, homeless and trapped in a soul-destroying job you despise. 

Yet Nicolas Cage’s biggest beef is the media intrusion into the lives of sensitive thespians, which he believes often overshadows the quality and integrity of their ‘art’. 

Like a vicious caged dog, the angry theatrical tart snarled, “In the LA Times, the critic who reviewed Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, incorporated how many homes I bought or sold into the review."

The angry actor continued to rage inconsolably and lamented, "What the hell does Lindsay Lohan's personal life have to do with her performance in The Canyons? It should always be about the work itself. What difference does it make if Bill Clinton had an affair - how does that affect his performance as President?

"In my opinion, I don't want to see personal aspects of someone's life eclipse the work itself."

It’s a hard life Mr Cage, so stop your whining, or people will cruelly point out that if it wasn’t for your ‘famous’ uncle, Mr Francis Ford Coppola, the world may have never enjoyed experiencing the rare delights of your acting abilities in the first place.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Is it Kosher Dave?

DESPITE the president-elect of the British Veterinary Association, John Blackwell, calling for a ban on the traditional production of both kosher and halal meat, it appears David “call me medium rare” Cameron knows better and has vowed to defend the religious slaughter of animals on “his watch.”

In other words the terrible Tory is happy for defenceless animals to be strung up and die an agonising death because it’s what Moses would have wanted. 

The British Vets President advised that the practice of slitting animals’ throats and allowing them to bleed to death caused unnecessary suffering - and suggested animals should be stunned first.

Dave the committed carnivore thinks this is absolute poppycock and on his recent trip to Israel said he would never allow a ban on the production of kosher meat. The democratic diva then appeared to get quite excitable and like a poor man’s William Wallace, snarled, “When people challenged kosher Shechita. I have defended it.  I fought as a back-bench Member of Parliament against the last attempt to do something to change this. And there’s no way I’m allowing that to change now I’m Prime Minister. On my watch Shechita is safe in the UK.”

Well that’s a relief! Britain is great again and the world is a far safer place thanks to double-dip Dave and his steely determination to ensure animals are denied any humane treatment whatsoever and systematically killed without anesthetic because an invisible magical sky wizard said that’s the way the cookie’s got to crumble. 

Christ! What a pathetic sight in this ‘enlightened age’ when a supposed leader of men acquiesces to
gruesome barbarity and endorses real pain on real creatures all because of a set of crazed animal death rites conjoured up by a gang of illiterate nomads lost in the wilderness a few centuries and many moons ago dictates that this is the way it’s got to be?  

And let’s be clear this isn’t an issue of religion or creed, it’s an animal rights issue. Several Tory MPs have also called for a ban on a method of slaughter used to kill an estimated 600,000 animals a week in British abattoirs.

But Dave just won’t listen because he believes championing the ‘diet requirements’ of religious groups is far more important than the ‘right’ of an animal not to be butchered in a barbaric and terrifying fashion.