You don’t have to be to quote David Cameron, “a British isolationist” to want to quit the EU, you just need to have a little common sense.
In his recent speech on Europe David Cameron said, “There are always voices saying: ‘Don't ask the difficult questions.’” And fair play judging by the piss poor content of his half-baked rant, the boy wonder certainly seems to have listened to them there voices.
During his eagerly dreaded tirade, written incidentally by raven haired poet and former ice-cream seller Clare Foges, Cameron carefully skirted around the real facts of why so many people in the UK want Britain to get the hell out of the EU.
And it’s not because we’re British isolationists, fully paid up members of UKIP, or to quote Cameron, people who want to “pull up the drawbridge and retreat from the world.” It’s because when something looks like bullshit, smells like bullshit, and tastes like bullshit, nine times out of ten, it is bullshit.
And the EU, much like Cameron’s speech, definitely has a slight odour of flatulence and tangible whiff of sulphur about it. Here’s the crunch. If you haven’t got an opinion on Britain’s involvement in the EU then you should. Why? Because it costs us as a country roughly £50 million a day to be a part of this great and redundant organisation.
That’s right! 50 million! We haven’t just given our sovereignty away we’re paying the fat cats in Brussels a small fortune for the privilege. and the best part in all of this is, wait for it, we’re actually borrowing money to remain a member of the EU.
So now you know exactly how much it costs to be shafted senseless, perhaps you can justify this criminal expense with a few of the huge perks and benefits that a country garners from being a member of the EU. You can’t can you? Or if you can there’ll be quickly nullified by some of the realties of what actually goes on in Brussels behind closed doors.
Our forefathers fought hard and long in this country for the right to elect and dismiss those who make our laws, but the EU represents a governmental institution which is undemocratic, lacking in accountability and stuffed with two bob bureaucrats obsessed with rules and regulations.
We the people give parliament the right to make our laws through informed debate, but we never signed up for them to give those powers away, and that’s exactly what happened when Britain joined the EU. We were sold down the river and betrayed.
The UK’s commercial, agricultural and industrial sectors are all controlled by Brussels. As are our social, labour, environmental and foreign trade sectors. ‘How is this so?’ You may well demand. Well simply put, Britain has nine percent of the votes in the Council of Ministers. Now because you need 30 percent to block a new law, our government ca be outvoted every time by the member states, even on laws that out detrimental to our country.
If we don’t then implement these laws, Britain faces unlimited fines in the Luxembourg Court of Justice. In effect Parliament can scrutinise and debate EU legislation, but unless change is unanimously voted for by all member states we cannot alter a single word of it. We either accept or reject, and as we all well know, when it comes to defending the UK’s rights, parliament usually simpers and swallows.
This situation which is a nightmare in itself, is not helped by the fact that corruption is rife within the EU. Has there ever been such a hot bed of unelected fraudsters, free-loaders and crooks? It really is the mecca for every failed and corrupt politician ever spat into creation. “Much like the house of commons!” I hear you cry. Except at least our motley lot of depraved imbeciles remain partially in the public eye.
Defenders of the EU will always hark on about the benefits. But what are they and why has no government ever has done a cost-benefit analysis and presented us with some clear cut figures why the EU is our friend and not our master? What benefits are there to be had from the EU that there aren’t to be had under old fashioned collaboration between governments and free trade arrangements?
The answer is really quite simple. The EU presents a massive source of income and huge amount of power for a privileged few with vested interests and a raw deal for the rest of us suckers.
We actually buy a lot more from the EU than we sell to them. So if we left they’d soon come running cap in hand and beg us to sign a free trade agreement, which would enable us to maintain our present position without the shackles which bind us to Brussels.
The majority of us are forced into accepting the current set of conditions, because if we dare question them, we’re labelled small minded Britons by the Eurocrats who kid themselves that without the EU, Europe and the UK would descend into a hellish chaos similar to that of the Second World War.
It won’t! Any rational explanation of the facts will tell you that. What ruined Greece? The Euro did. And just a cursory look at many of the other countries in the Eurozone will tell you that the Brussels mafia has failed miserably, but that hasn’t stopped the EU voting in favour of compulsory teaching of the 'advantages' of EU membership in schools. God give us strength.
Cameron said in his speech, “It is time for the British people to have their say. It is time to settle this European question in British politics.” The radical firebrand then announced solemnly, “I say to the British people: this will be your decision.”
Great we thought! the old snake has a backbone, but in the time honured tradition of doublespeak, wavy Davey apologetically whimpered, “Some argue that the solution is therefore to hold a straight in-out referendum now. But I don't believe that to make a decision at this moment is the right way forward, either for Britain or for Europe as a whole.”
So pray tell young David why exactly is that?
The slick statesman simpered, “A vote today between the status quo and leaving would be an entirely false choice. There is a gap between the EU and its citizens which has grown dramatically in recent years. And which represents a lack of democratic accountability and consent that is – yes – felt particularly acutely in Britain. I never want us to pull up the drawbridge and retreat from the world.”
Neither do we Dave, neither do we, but an awful lot of us would be happy to see you, your cronies and the nest of vipers and shysters that make up the EU crawl back under the rock from whence you came!
Because by pompously declaring that “It is time for the British people to have their say on Europe,” but, and this is the best bit, not until 2017, what you and your two bit lib con party are actually doing is holding the country to ransom with a brazen bribe which summed up can be best translated as, “If you vote for us in 2015 we may have a referendum on the EU, but do you know something you unsightly gang of plebeian mugs? I wouldn’t bank on it!”
Two Score and one years ago, our fore-fathers voted for the common market..the common agricultural policy and free trade within Europe.
ReplyDeleteThe French under De Gaul had twice blocked our application to join in the sixties, denying us membership for over a decade....and yes there was a sense that we were losing out by not being a part of the common market, inclusion was seen as a real step forward, a financial necessity.
it should have stayed as it was.
instead it morphed into something Monstrous.
it is a state, has a flag, defined borders..its own currency...government...
that is not what we voted for in 1975, and i'm sure that had the '75 referendum been clearer about what it would develop into, there would not have been a 68% yes vote.
now it seems june 23rd we are to have after 41 years another referendum.
lets compare the '75 referendum question to the 2016 question:
1975:"Do you think the UK should stay in the European Community (Common Market)?"
2016: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?"
it's the same question.
it seems simple enough.
but we vote yes or no to something at this moment in time,without awareness of what it will become, and with no way to check or control what it becomes.
voting yes is like boarding a bus without any idea where its going, or hitch-hiking when you have your own car.
we don't need Europe, we never have.
the referendum shouldn't be a Yes/No vote, it should be a Hell no/F**k no vote.