Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Close Encounters!

STRANGE pulsating orbs of orange light floating high in the sky, Technicolor triangles that appear out of thin air leading to brave new dimensions of space and time, and great balls of fiery wonder charting their course across the cosmos. 

Yes, it’ll soon be magic mushroom season again, as throughout Britain the hallucination-inducing shrooms bloom in abundance on mountain and meadow.
However, it is not about the funky fungi of which I speak, but the unexplained series of UFO sightings that have recently been reported in and around this green and pleasant land. 

Aliens in Egypt! 

The great UFO debate has raged for some time now, and nearly all of us know someone or other who has claimed at one time to have seen unexplained lights high in the Heavens.
I recall that as a child I was one memorised and put into a strange trance by a particularly colourful frisbee, but in the wider debate about extraterrestrials and their silver flashing machines I don’t think this counts. 
Evidence for the UFO phenomenon according to some, stretches as far back as to ancient Egypt, when extraterrestrials first enjoyed a holiday on planet earth, only instead of building sand-castles they constructed pyramids.  

Foo-Fighters in World War Two

The modern cult of the UFO is said to have began after a number of aircraft pilots during World War II spotted unexplained phenomena in the skies that were later termed ‘foo-fighters’.
Since the time of the ‘foo-fighters’ (thought by many to be the products of experiments by Nazi scientists), the UFO phenomenon has literally exploded into space, with sightings numbering well into the hundreds of thousands. 
While most have been identified as natural phenomena-stars, meteors, etc-or man-made devices such as airplanes and balloons, 5% to 10% of all reports are not so easily discounted, even after proper investigation by qualified individuals. 
These are the unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) said to be the heart and soul of the mystery.

Little Green Men Who Kidnap Innocents!

And this is presumably what keeps people fascinated in for want of a better term, ‘little green men from outer space.’ In much the same way people were fascinated with tales of the ‘fair-folk’ and ‘little people’ in a less scientific age - who funnily enough were also accused of kidnapping humans and taking them to a faraway kingdom where all sense of time was rendered redundant. 
The mass interest in UFO’s and aliens has always puzzled me. Alongside the general tendency towards self-delusion that will make a normally rational and sane person believe a chinese lantern is an otherworldly piece of technology from the outer limits. 

E.T Go Home 

Now although I enjoyed Steven Spielberg’s E.T as much as the next man, a lovable little altruistic space creature that looks worringly like Coronation Street’s Gayle Platt without any hair, does not really ring true with the accounts of aliens that are documented elsewhere.
Here is the crunch, why would anyone be interested in contacting a race of shady and underhand beings, that apparently put people into a paralyzed state, before stealing them from their beds in the dead of nights, and whisking them off into the nether regions of the universe to conduct a series of sinister experiments and tests on them.
Experiments which are said to include a form of genetic engineering, which is thought to be a dastardly Martian bid to help create a new race of human/alien hybrids.
Worse still, the poor stolen people are then told they will forget everything that has occurred, before being implanted with thought-controlling devices that continue to monitor their every movement until the time of their next abduction. 
And in most abductees’ cases, there is usually a history of abductions dating right back to childhood.  
Incidentally, if your wondering how abductees remember their experiences, they usually get flashes or glimpses of a nightmarish experience, where beings of about three and a half to five feet tall with very slender bodies and proportionally large heads that contain striking and piercing black eyes, with a somewhat watery or glassy look, stand over them and conduct their inhuman experiments, whilst the abductees lie helpless and completely bewildered. 

The Ghastly Greys 

These alien beings - nicknamed the greys - are said to be totally hairless and range in colour from an off-white to a bluish-gray. They are apparently non-verbal and communicate on a purely telepathic basis.
The greys are often said to be emotionless, and cases abound where the abductees were left feeling totally traumatized and violated to every degree.
To make matters worse there are even rumours of cooperation efforts between our governments and the greys, where technology is exchanged for the allowing of human abductions and certain underground alien bases on earth. 
“ET go home?” Too damned right! If, of course, there is any truth in these diabolical accounts. 
On the other hand, it may be an idea to flip reverse it and put yourself in the shoes of an otherworldly visitor to the ‘Blue planet ’for a moment.
Imagine cruising around in a pollutant-free flying disc, feeling at one with with the universe and fostering nothing but a loving vibration of goodwill and peace to all living creatures.

An Intergalactic Perspective 

Imagine possessing wisdom beyond words and knowledge beyond understanding, and utilising it all only in the service of what is positive and right.
Then imagine coming across a planet of breathtaking wonder and natural beauty, that contains an abundance and variety of life beyond compare. 
Then contemplate the dominant species of this planet, and how they kill, maim, and torture not only one another, but also just about every living thing on the face of this strange spinning rock.
Imagine studying their history and learning how each successive generation fails to learn nothing from a bloody and brutal past, but instead chooses to add it’s own mistakes to the unholy mix, in decade after decade of greed, ignorance, lies, hypocrisy, stupidity, destruction, waste, fear, loathing, and all kinds of sick and twisted behavior.
Wouldn’t you just want to turn around and get the hell out of Dodge, whilst asking yourself the simple question that if human-beings can’t even get along with each other, how will they ever accept beings from another world?
Finally, ask yourselves, if you were a little green alien, would you really want to reach out across the universe and offer the intergalactic hand of friendship to a civilization that not only created, but honours the likes of Cliff Richard and Ant and Dec? 
I rest my case. 

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