If you happen to meet one of America’s “wise people of conscience” anytime soon, tell them not to vote for Donald Trump, because Bono said so.
Renowned for his big mouth and even bigger bank balance, U2 frontman Bono has often tried to save the world from the myriad evils of modern life, but can he save it from Trump?
For years, the simple lad from Dublin has tirelessly and for the most part thanklessly helped to make the world a brighter and better place by giving away free albums that no-one really wanted and taking advantage of a worldwide stage to lecture people who have paid extortionate prices for a U2 ticket on how they were not doing enough to eradicate global poverty.
Celebrities, hey! They’ve got hearts of gold and banks full of it.
The world, as everyone knows, can often be a cruel, uncaring, and terrible place, and when you’re a multi-millionaire with a lot of time on your hands to sail yachts, lounge around in villas, and charter private planes, it gives you time to reflect on the bigger things in life, such as Donald Trump.
Studying Trump, much like Yoda would a young Anakin Skywalker, Bono in his high wisdom has deemed the Trumpster as the “potentially worst idea that ever happened to America.”
Trump may have his failings, and admittedly, at times they’re enough to make Lucifer wince, but to describe the orange haired billionaire as having the potential to be the worst idea that ever happened to America, is a big claim.
Trump after all is a human being and has feelings, you know, Bono? What if someone was to describe U2 as potentially the worst idea that has ever happened to popular music?
Besides which, let’s get things in to perspective for one red hot minute here. The trail of tears in 1838, the Dred Scott decision of 1857, McCarthyism, and Vietnam were all pretty bad ideas that have left America reeling. It’s doubtful if Trump, even during a bad day at the office, could outdo any of the aforementioned.
Yet every self-righteous crusader on a white horse needs a hideously ugly enemy with a heart as hard and cold as the blackest of nights to do battle with, and in Trump, Bono has found his.
It’s easy to mock and deride Trump, ok it’s kind of fun too, but calling someone who’s an easy target names doesn’t make you a good person.
Heed Bono’s warning and click here folks!